Sunday, January 27, 2008

Getting in Shape, Step 1: loving the pain (sort of)

I mentioned in an earlier post our desire as a family to get into shape this year. That of course means losing weight, but it's also more than that. At the end of the day, our goal is to be healthy. So real exercise is a key component of our new commitment to getting in shape ... and thus we must also be prepared to love the pain that inevitably follows.

We had our first good experience in that regard yesterday when we participated in the Cave Creek Luminaria Run, in Cave Creek, AZ. John and his brother Clay participated in the 4-mile run and I did the 2-mile walk.

John and I have been exercising recently--John with neighborhood runs of 3 and 4 miles, in addition to weight training; me with elliptical training and two nights a week aerobics at church. Unfortunately, these did not prepare either of us for the actual course, which involved a number of excruciatingly painful hills.

Today, as we limped into church and hobbled around the house, though, we're proud that we both finished and did so beating our goal times. Makes it just a tiny bit easier to love that pain.

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