Saturday, December 20, 2008

Some Christmas Cheer

The lead up to Christmas has been pretty hectic for us with work and such, but a few things have kept us in the holiday spirit.

First, we had our Christmas program at our church. John sang in the choir and I served as the narrator for the program, which was a lot of fun and a great reminder of our purpose for celebrating Christmas.

Our Christmas Cantata was about the love of God; our small, talented choir sang seven songs and I narrated a few lines along the way.

John is really a talented and strong bass in the choir, so I've really enjoyed listening to him--at Christmas and whenever the choir sings.

Earlier this week we had a wonderful surprise: a beautiful Christmas centerpiece from the Tim, Bev, Heidi, and Heather Farmer in Colorado. Now that is a great way to put us in a holiday spirit!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hi Jen,
The centerpiece is beautiful. I am glad you like it. Also, what a fun experience to be the narrator in a Christmas program. I am sure you did a great job.